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In 1973, the excitement began! Conversations sparked about creating an alumni chapter in Waukegan, fueled by a passionate group including Marvin Arrington, Willie Carter, Amos Jones, Robert Whitehead, and Harrison Williams.  Willie Carter took the lead, reaching out to the International Headquarters and the North Central Province to lay out the steps for establishing this vision.  Meanwhile, the other brothers enthusiastically spread the word, connecting with other Kappas across Waukegan, North Chicago, and Zion to gauge their interest in building a chapter together.


After numerous inspiring meetings throughout 1973-74 and a lot of hard work on the paperwork, 16 dedicated brothers proudly submitted their petition to the North Central Province Polemarch, seeking the charter for what would become the Waukegan Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The dream was becoming a reality!


The chapter was charted on March 15, 1975. The Charter Ceremony was presided over by Dr. Floyd V. Campbell, Province Polemarch, at the Elks Club in North Chicago, IL.  Elbert E. Allen of Shreveport, Louisiana was the Grand Polemarch at the time. 


History written by Charter Member, Willie Carter, on the day he died, November 1, 2024.


The first chapter officers were:

Polemarch                          Willie Carter*
Vice Polemarch                  Marvin Arrington*
Keeper of Records             Robert Whitehead, Jr.*
Keeper of Exchequer         Harrison Williams
Strategus                            Morlot Williams*
Lt. Strategus                       Charles Portis
Historian                             Lawrence Broughton*
Reporter                             Amos Jones*


Waukegan Alumni Charter Members and their chapters of initiation are as follows:

  1. Marvin "Monk" Arrington* - Gamma Pi 1965

  2. Jesse Banks (resides in Panama) - Alpha Chi 1966

  3. Lawrence Broughton* - Epsilon Omicron Colony 1971

    • ​The colony was at WIU, now Zeta Mu, Epsilon Omicron is at NIU.

  4. Willie Carter* - Gamma Upsilon 1967

  5. Fred Connally, Jr. * - Delta Kappa 1954

  6. David V. Curtis* - Iota 1948

  7. Amos Jones* - Beta 1949

  8. James Knox (currently resides in Arkansas) - Beta Upsilon 1960

  9. Michael Moore* - Epsilon Omicron Colony 1971

    • The colony was at WIU, now Zeta Mu, Epsilon Omicron is at NIU.​

  10. Alfonso "Al" Patterson (currently resides in Alabama) - Beta Zeta 1958

  11. William Peete* - Alpha Theta 1968

  12. Charles Portis (currently resides in Eden Prairie, MN) - Lincoln University Alumni 1971

    • LU Alumni was a graduate student group of Alpha Mu Chapter​.

    • Charles' Chapter of Initiation is incorrectly recorded as LaGrange (GA) Alumni at IHQ.

  13. Dwain Warren (currently resides in Atlanta, GA) - Gamma Lambda 1963

  14. Robert Whitehead, Jr.* - Delta Zeta 1952

  15. Harrison Williams (currently resides in Diamondhead, MS) - Gamma Pi 1957

  16. Morlot Williams* - Epsilon Eta 1966


*Denotes Chapter Invisible.


Augments made to information for Charter members Lawrence Broughton, Michael Moore, and Charles Portis by 16th and 22nd Polemarch Bond A. Thomas, Jr. based on historical research and charter member interviews. 
















Pictured from left to right are:

  1. Morlot Williams*

  2. Harrison Williams

  3. Robert Whitehead, Jr.* (face is mostly blocked)

  4. Floyd V. Campbell* (North Central Province Polemarch - Not part of chapter)

  5. Willie Carter*

  6. Amos Jones*

  7. Lawrence Broughton*

  8. Charles Portis

  9. Marvin Arrington*


*Denotes Chapter Invisible.

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