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Back Row L-R: Bond A. Thomas, Jr., Phillip Davis, Leotis D. Swopes, Terry V. Atwater II,
Front Row L-R: Willie L. Carter, Herbert J. King, Jr., Morlot Williams, Danzie Dicker, Jr., Dudley Bright, Harral Allen

June 2023: Charter Member, Brother Harrison Williams, currently residing in Diamondhead, MS, enjoying life and lookin' Kool!

Harral Allen

Dudley Bright

Terry V. Atwater II

Phillip Davis

Danzie Dicker, Jr.

Jerry Johnson

Herbert J. King, Jr.

Leotis D. Swopes

Bond A. Thomas, Jr.

W. Earl Woods
2021 Scholarship recipient Jabari Brown (2nd from Right) with his Dad, Larry Brown (Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.), and Brothers Bond Thomas (left) and Fred Fleming (right).
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