
In Memoriam

Brother Willie L. Carter was born on January 22, 1946. He passed away on November 1, 2024. He was initiated at the Southern Illinois University Chapter, The Gamma Upsilon of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. on Dec. 17, 1967. Brother Willie Carter was one of 16 charter members of the Waukegan (IL) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. He served as the first chapter Polemarch, from 1975-1982.
The chapter mourns the loss of such a dynamic brother. He will be sorely missed!
At the time of his passing, he was serving as the Chapter's Reporter, Senior Kappa Affairs Committee Chairman, the Golf Committee Chairman, and the Nominations Committee Chairman.
--Bond A. Thomas, Jr.
16th & 22nd Polemarch
Waukegan (IL) Alumni Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Willie L. Carter*
Recent Events
Sam Cunningham's 5th Annual Golf Outing
Glen Flora Country Club, Waukegan, IL
Monday, September 23, 2024

Pictured from left to right-Harral Allen, Dennis Walker, Willie Carter, Sam Cunningham, Dudley Bright, Leotis Swopes, Earl Woods, Ty Bonds, and Bond Thomas.
Join us for our 30th Annual Morlot G. Williams
Memorial Scholarship Golf Scramble
Saturday, July 13, 2024
10:30 a.m. first tee time
Check in at 9:00 a.m.
Where: Foss Park Golf Course
3124 Argonne Drive, North Chicago, IL
Click here to view/print details about time, fees, registration, and sponsorship.
Click here to register or scan the QR Code below

Waukegan Alumni Chapter Welcomed Fall 2023 Initiates Darryl Williams and Ralph Jordan.
L-R: Darryl Williams, Ralph Jordan

Guide Right Event
Allendale Thanksgiving Celebration
Nov. 11th, 2023
Waukegan Alumni
Annual Highway Clean Up
Oct. 7th, 2023

2023 Golf Outings
Sam Cunningham's 4th Annual Golf Outing
Glen Flora Country Club
Monday, July 31, 2023
Pictured from left to right-Dudley Bright, Willie Carter, Harral Allen, and Richard Dent, former Chicago Bear.

Pictured from left to right-Willie Carter, Dudley Bright, Harral Allen, and Bond Thomas.
2023 Annual Kappa League Golf Outing
Milwaukee Alumni Chapter
Aug. 19th, 2023
Waukegan Alumni
2023 Scotch Fest
Aug. 12th, 2023

Waukegan Alumni Chapter Congratulates
Bro. Angelo Kyle!!
For decades, Brother Angelo Kyle has provided outstanding leadership as a Lake County Board Of Commissioners member. Currently, as a member of the LCBC, he collaborates to oversee over 3000 employees and a $505M operating budget.

Brother Angelo Kyle is the first African American to become President and CEO of the Lake County Illinois Forest Preserves, the second largest forest preserve district in Illinois. He is responsible for 31,000 acres of natural land, 300 employees, and a budget of over $112M.
Angelo D. Kyle
2022 Waukegan Alumni Chapter Awards

Presented by Morlot Williams, Willie L. Carter receives an award for Outstanding Achievement.

Presented by Morlot Williams, Bond Thomas, Jr. receives an award for Outstanding Service to the Chapter.
Waukegan Alumni Chapter's
2022 Scholarship Recipients,
Isaiah Huley (pictured below) and Ja'Vonte Taylor

L to R: Bond Thomas, Isaiah Huley, and Isaiah's mother, Tenesha Davis.
Isaiah and Ja'Vonte are graduates of Zion-Benton Township High School and both currently attend Alabama A&M University. EACH STUDENT WAS AWARDED $2000.

October 25, 2022
In partnership with the Lake County Adopt A Highway campaign, twice yearly, under the direction of Brother Morlot Williams, members of Waukegan Alumni Chapter demonstrate civic responsibility and environmental concern.
The Waukegan Alumni Chapter of
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Annual Scholarship Golf Outing
The 2022 Waukegan (IL) Alumni Chapter and Lake County Kappa Fund
Golf Scholarship Scramble Winning Team
L-R: G. Tyrone Bonds (Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter), James Jackson, Jeffery Williams, Jimal Miller (Maywood-Wheaton (IL) Alumni Chapter), and Tournament Director, Willie Carter (Waukegan (IL) Alumni Chapter)

Waukegan Alumni Chapter, Fall 2022 Chapter Photo
Staircase Top-Bottom: Dudley Bright,Morlot Williams, Herbert James King Jr.,Willie L. Carter, Danzie Dicker Jr.,
Floor L-R: Harral Allen, Phillip Davis, Leotis Swopes, Terry V. Atwater II, Bond A. Thomas Jr.

Charter Anniversary
March 15, 2023

Waukegan Alumni Chapter Welcomed Spring 2022 Initiates Phillip Ivory Davis and Danzie Dicker Jr.
L-R: Spencer Ivy WAC MTA Chairman, Byron Thornton Province Polemarch, Phillip Davis 2022 Initiate, Danzie Dicker Jr. 2022 Initiate, Bond Thomas Jr Assistant MTA Chairman, WAC Keeper of Records & Exchequer

39th Annual Chicago Metro Chapters FOUNDERS' DAY January 21, 2023

Standing L-R: Harral Allen, Terry Atwater, Fred Fleming, Eric Williams, Herbert J. King Jr.
Seated L-R: Bond Thomas Jr. (WAC Polemarch), Clifford Franklin (St. Louis Alumni Chapter and Alumni Grand Board Member), Reuben A. Shelton,III, ESQ. (Grand Polemarch), Joe Lewis (Grand Chapter Chief of Staff), Willie Carter (50 year member), Danzie Dicker (WAC Keeper of Records).

L-R: Guest Speaker,Reuben A. Shelton, III, ESQ., Grand Polemarch, Joe Lewis, Chief of Staff, Danzie Dicker, Waukegan Alumni Chapter

L-R: Danzie Dicker, Waukegan Alumni Chapter, Kwame Raoul, Illinois Attorney General
Waukegan Alumni Chapter Members L-R: Danzie Dicker, Terry Atwater, Morlot Williams, Willie Carter, Leotis Swopes, Herbert J. King Jr., Harral Allen, Eric Williams
Head Table Far Right; Waukegan Alumni Chapter Polemarch, Bond Thomas, Jr.
Jabari Brown, 2021 Waukegan Alumni Chapter Scholarship Recipient

Lt-Rt: Bond Thomas, Jabari Brown, Fred Fleming
Lt-Rt: Larry Brown, Jabari Brown, Nancy Brown

Clean up from October 13, 2018. Pictured from left to right are brothers Bond Thomas, Morlot Williams, Willie Carter, Earl Woods, Jerry Johnson, Tony Wilson, and Harral Allen - Herb King photographer
Historical Content - Bond Thomas, Jr.
Site Maintenance - Tony Wilson/Bond Thomas
Waukegan Alumni Chapter Logo/Shield - Harral Allen